As the demand for effective and efficient outdoor lighting solutions increases, the debate between LED and metal halide lights, particularly in the context of external bollard lighting, becomes more relevant. As LED technology continues to advance, it increasingly becomes the favored choice over traditional lighting systems like metal halide due to several compelling benefits.

Comparative Overview of Outdoor Bollard Lights: 70w MH vs 12w LED

The ongoing improvements in LED technology have not only enhanced performance but have also made LED lights a cost-effective option in outdoor bollard lighting. This comparison between a 70W metal halide bollard light and a 12W LED bollard light clearly illustrates why LED lights are poised to dominate as the primary lighting technology.

As performance increases, the reasons to choose LED lights over traditional lighting technologies continue to multiply. Energy savings, minimal maintenance, superior color rendering–the list goes on.

First, let us examine the price of the two bollard lights. The LED bollard costs less than the metal halide bollard. Much LESS. Production of LEDs / LED lighs is becoming increasingly efficient, leading to falling prices as performance improves.

Bollard Lighting Upfront Cost Comparison

Initially, examining the cost of exterior bollard lights reveals that LED lights typically have a lower upfront price compared to metal halide lights. This price advantage is becoming more pronounced as the production of LEDs/LED lights becomes more efficient and cost-effective.

Light Output and Operational Efficiency

In many instances, the price of LED lights may be lower than that of metal halide lights, but the benefits of LED lights extend beyond price. Now, let’s compare the light output and operating costs of the 70w metal halide lamps compared to the 12w LED lamps.

Both systems emit similar light levels. At 4,000 hours, which is the mean lumen output for metal halide lamps, the 70w metal halide bollard light emits 816 lumens while the 12w LED bollard light emits 847 lumens.

This slight edge in lumens highlights the superior efficiency of LEDs in outdoor bollard lighting. The 12w LED bollard light emits more mean lumens than the 70w metal halide.

Energy Consumption and Costs

Let’s explore the energy costs. The 70w metal halide system utilizes 85 watts of energy when factoring in the energy consumed by the lamp and ballast. In contrast, the 12w LED system consumes only 12 watts of energy.

In other words, the LED system consumes 73 watts less than the metal halide, resulting in an 86% reduction in energy usage. Based on an estimated use of 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, the cost to operate a metal halide bollard would be $92.65 per year.

Conversely, the 12w LED bollard light costs only $13.08 per year to operate.

Commercial Bollard Light Maintenance and Long-Term Costs

The outdoor metal halide bollard light necessitates maintenance. A 70w metal halide lamp typically requires replacement every 10,000 hours, equating to about five times over ten years. How does this accumulation fare over a decade? The total ten-year operating cost of the 70w metal halide bollard light amounts to $1,010.00.

In contrast, the ten-year total operating cost of the LED is $130.80, which is $879.20 less than the operating cost of the metal halide system. The decision to purchase the LED bollard light over the metal halide bollard light, given its lower cost and higher light output, may have seemed obvious. However, after learning of the significant operating cost difference over ten years, the choice becomes unequivocally clear.




With lower initial costs, reduced energy consumption, minimal maintenance requirements, and superior color rendering, the advantages of LED bollard lights over metal halide bulbs are undeniable. The long-term savings and operational efficiency make LEDs an obvious choice for outdoor bollard lighting applications. As performance metrics continue to rise and prices fall, the transition to LED light technology in outdoor bollard lighting makes economic sense and aligns with environmental sustainability efforts. The decision to opt for LED outdoor bollard lights over metal halide lights in outdoor bollard lighting becomes an unequivocal one.