LED Parking Lot Lighting Fixtures Combining Grid-Powered and Solar Lights for a Hybrid Solution

As businesses, municipalities, and property managers strive to create energy-efficient and sustainable infrastructure, outdoor LED parking lot lighting fixtures play a crucial role in cutting costs and minimizing environmental impact. A hybrid LED lighting system that combines grid-powered LED lights and solar-powered LED lights offers an innovative approach to parking lot illumination.

In this guide, we will explore how hybrid lighting systems work, why they are beneficial, and how they can offer a balanced, cost-effective solution. We will also compare specific products such as CARA, CARO, and SUNA LED parking lot lights which represent different lighting options in both grid and solar-powered systems.

Key Takeaways

    • Hybrid lighting systems combine grid and solar-powered LED parking lot lighting fixtures: Grid-powered LED parking lot lights are placed in high-traffic areas for continuous, reliable illumination, while solar LED parking lot lights offer a cost-effective solution.
    • Cost efficiency and energy savings: Solar-powered LED lights like SUNA reduce energy costs, while grid-powered lights such as CARA and CARO ensure reliable lighting where needed, minimizing overall energy consumption.
    • Phased transition to solar: Hybrid systems allow businesses to gradually transition to solar lighting, achieving sustainability goals without needing a complete overhaul of grid-powered infrastructure.

How a Hybrid System Works

In a LED hybrid lighting system, different sections of the parking lot are powered either by grid electricity or by solar energy, depending on the area’s usage and lighting requirements. This ensures the efficient use of both power sources, maximizing cost savings while maintaining high-quality lighting across the entire parking lot.

  • Grid-powered LED parking lot lights, such as CARA and CARO, are typically installed in high-traffic or critical areas where reliable, continuous illumination is essential, such as entrances, exits, and areas near security stations.
  • Solar-powered LED parking lot lights, like SUNA, are ideal for remote areas like overflow parking, where the demand for lighting is lower but still necessary. These lights eliminate electricity costs and do not require trenching, making them perfect for hard-to-reach or off-grid locations.

By balancing the placement of LED parking lot light fixtures, this hybrid system provides optimal illumination while cutting down on unnecessary energy expenses.

LED parking lot lights replaced old Metal Halide parking lot lights

Key Advantages of Solar-Powered LED Parking Lot Lighting Fixtures in Hybrid Systems

When integrating LED parking lot lighting fixtures into a hybrid system, solar-powered lights provide several critical advantages for businesses and municipalities. Hybrid systems, which combine both grid-powered and solar-powered LED parking lot lights, offer a cost-effective, energy-efficient solution for illuminating parking lots. Below are three major benefits of using solar-powered LED fixtures in hybrid lighting systems:

1. Reducing Power Drop:

In large parking lots, running electrical wires over long distances can cause power drops, leading to reduced lighting efficiency. Solar-powered LED parking lot lighting fixtures eliminate the need for long wiring runs, ensuring consistent lighting performance without the risk of voltage drops, especially in remote areas.

2. Expansion Without Infrastructure Challenges:

As businesses expand their parking lots, whether across roads or within the same property, trenching and running electrical wiring can be both costly and disruptive. Solar-powered LED parking lot lights provide an efficient and cost-effective solution by avoiding the need for extensive infrastructure. This simplifies the expansion process and reduces installation costs, all while maintaining effective lighting.

3. Compliance with Regulatory or Environmental Restrictions:

Many areas have regulations that limit trenching or electrical installations, especially in locations with environmental protection ordinances, historic preservation zones, or utility easements. Solar-powered LED parking lot lighting fixtures enable businesses to comply with these restrictions while providing reliable illumination. This makes them an ideal choice for maintaining compliance without the need for disruptive installations.

Real-World Applications: Solar Lighting in Cities to Address Key Challenges

Cities like San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas are embracing solar-powered streetlights to address critical issues like vandalism, copper wire theft, and high maintenance costs. For example, San Bernardino plans to install solar streetlights using a $250,000 U.S. Department of Energy grant to combat energy security concerns and prevent copper wire theft. Similarly, Los Angeles is implementing a pilot program with 900 solar streetlights after facing problems with over 25,000 non-functioning electric streetlights due to vandalism and theft.

These challenges mirror those faced by businesses and municipalities managing parking lot lighting, where the risk of theft or the high costs of trenching can be reduced by using solar-powered LED systems. Cities like Las Vegas and Kentucky are also running pilot programs to address copper wire theft and improve lighting along highways—showing the increasing reliance on solar solutions for urban lighting challenges.

This real-world shift to solar-powered lighting underscores the practical advantages of implementing solar-powered LED parking lot lights, especially in hybrid systems that balance grid reliability and solar efficiency. Solar lighting offers a robust, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution to common infrastructure challenges faced by both cities and businesses. Click here to read more on how cities turn to solar lighting amid copper theft challenges.

Optimizing Lighting for Different Zones in a Parking Lot

To better understand how to implement an outdoor hybrid lighting system in a parking lot, here’s a breakdown of how grid-powered LED lights and solar-powered LED lights can be applied to different sections:

Area of the Parking Lot Lighting Type Power Source Key Benefits Ideal Use Case
Main Entrance & Exits Grid-Powered (e.g., CARA) Electrical Grid Continuous high-lumen lighting, reliable power High-traffic areas requiring consistent illumination
Near Security Stations Grid-Powered (e.g., CARO) Electrical Grid 24/7 reliability, no reliance on sunlight Security-sensitive zones needing uninterrupted lighting
Overflow Parking Areas Solar-Powered (e.g., SUNA) Solar Energy No energy costs, eco-friendly, no trenching required Remote areas with good sunlight exposure
Shaded Areas Grid-Powered (e.g., CARA) Electrical Grid Ensures sufficient lighting where solar is less effective Areas with limited sunlight or heavy shading
Open Parking Zones Solar-Powered (e.g., SUNA) Solar Energy Maximizes sunlight, reduces energy costs Sun-exposed areas that don’t require 24/7 lighting
Emergency Lighting Backup Solar-Powered (e.g., SUNA) Solar Energy (off-grid) Reliable backup during power outages Backup lighting for critical zones in case of grid failure


Explanation of the Table

This table demonstrates how a hybrid lighting system can be strategically applied to different zones within a parking lot:

  • Grid-powered lights (like CARA and CARO) are ideal for high-traffic or critical areas that require consistent, reliable lighting, particularly in places where sunlight exposure is limited or the lighting must be constant.
  • Solar-powered lights (like SUNA) are most effective in remote zones where trenching for electrical wiring isn’t feasible, or where the goal is to cut energy costs. They can also act as a backup in case of grid failure, ensuring continued operation in critical areas.

This practical layout illustrates how both grid and solar power can be maximized in a hybrid system to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and ensure reliable lighting throughout the parking lot.

Technical Considerations for Hybrid Parking Lot Lighting

When designing a parking lot lighting system, it’s essential to ensure that the lights meet safety standards for footcandle count, max/min ratio, uniformity, and environmental regulations. Here’s how hybrid lighting systems can be configured to meet these technical requirements:

  • Footcandle Count: Parking lots typically require between 1 to 3 footcandles, depending on the level of traffic and security needs. High-traffic areas near entrances and exits may need higher illumination levels, while remote or overflow areas can operate with lower light intensity. Using grid-powered lights like CARA in critical areas ensures you meet higher footcandle requirements, while solar-powered SUNA lights can be applied to remote zones or areas where the parking lot may have been extended maintaining the footcandle count.
  • Max/Min Ratio: To avoid bright or dark spots, it’s important to maintain a max/min lighting ratio of less than 3:1. This can be achieved by carefully planning the layout of LED grid lights and solar-powered LED fixtures, ensuring uniform lighting coverage across the parking lot.
  • Pole Height and Quantity: The height of the light poles typically ranges from 20 to 30 feet, with the number of light poles required depending on the size of the lot and the desired illumination levels. Taller poles with grid-powered lights can reduce the number of poles needed in high-traffic areas, while shorter poles with solar-powered lights can be used to cover low-traffic zones.
  • Dark Sky Compliance: Ensuring dark sky compliance helps reduce light pollution by directing light downward, minimizing glare, and preventing light from spilling into unintended areas. Many grid-powered LED lights and solar-powered LED fixtures, like the CARO and SUNA models, are designed to be full-cutoff and dark sky compliant, making them ideal for projects that need to meet local lighting ordinances and environmental regulations. Dark sky compliance not only improves visibility by reducing glare but also contributes to energy efficiency by directing light exactly where it’s needed.
  • Turtle-Friendly Lighting: In coastal areas, especially where sea turtles nest, it’s crucial to use turtle-friendly lighting to protect wildlife. Turtle-friendly lights use long-wavelength lighting (typically amber or red) to minimize disorientation of sea turtles during nesting and hatching seasons. Hybrid systems can integrate grid-powered or solar-powered turtle-friendly lighting fixtures, ensuring that areas near coastal zones comply with regulations while protecting endangered species. For example, the CARAs can be fitted with turtle-friendly LEDs, making it an eco-friendly and wildlife-conscious option for parking lots in sensitive environments.

4 Reasons to Choose a Hybrid System for LED Parking Lot Lighting Fixtures?

  1. Cost Efficiency
    Solar-powered LED parking lot lights in low-demand areas can drastically reduce energy bills. Grid-powered lights in high-usage areas guarantee a consistent level of brightness, while solar lights in remote areas eliminate electricity costs entirely. By optimizing which areas are powered by solar and which by the grid, you can significantly lower overall energy consumption and operational costs.
  2. Energy Redundancy
    Solar-powered lights provide a backup in case of grid power outages, ensuring critical areas remain lit and improving safety. Conversely, grid-powered lights offer consistent lighting during periods when solar energy is unavailable, such as during extended cloudy weather.
  3. Phased Transition to Solar
    For businesses or municipalities looking to gradually transition to renewable energy, a hybrid system allows for incremental adoption. You can start by installing solar-powered lights in low-priority areas and expand solar coverage over time, reducing reliance on grid power without needing to overhaul the entire system at once.
  4. Optimized Solar Use
    A hybrid system allows you to place solar LED parking lot lighting fixtures in areas with optimal sunlight exposure, maximizing efficiency. Grid-powered lights can be installed in shaded areas, where solar lighting would be less effective. This ensures each type of light is used where it is most efficient.
LED Parking Lot Lighting Fixtures: Combining Grid-Powered and Solar Lights for a Hybrid Solution

Browse our CARA model grid-powered LED lights for high-traffic areas, the CARO grid-powered LED lights for critical zones, and the SUNA solar-powered LED lights ideal for remote areas.

Product Comparison: CARA, CARO, and SUNA

To better understand the benefits of grid-powered and solar-powered systems, let’s compare three different LED parking lot lighting fixtures: CARA, CARO, and SUNA. Each product has specific features that make it suitable for certain parts of a hybrid system.

Feature CARA (Grid-Powered) CARO (Grid-Powered) SUNA (Solar-Powered)
Power Source Grid Grid Solar
System Watts 199W 190W 200W
Lumens 22,487 31,692 39,000
Lumens per Watt 113 166 195
Dark-Sky Compliant No Yes Yes
L70 Life 320,000 hours 50,000 hours 270,000 hours
Annual Energy Use (kWh) 871.62 832.2 None
Annual Energy Cost $357.36 $341.20 $0
Replacement Battery Cost N/A N/A $1,200 (every 5-10 years)
Installation Cost $2,500 $3,125 $625
TCO Over 10 Years $3,573.64 $3,412.02 $1,200

This table highlights the major differences between these fixtures. CARA and CARO represent grid-powered lights that are ideal for high-traffic areas, while SUNA offers a solar-powered option perfect for remote zones. The total cost of ownership (TCO) over 10 years shows that solar lights like SUNA can dramatically reduce long-term costs, although grid-powered lights still play an important role where constant, reliable power is needed.

Cost-Benefit Analysis for a Hybrid Lighting System

Rather than focusing on individual product comparisons, it’s important to understand the overall value a hybrid lighting system can offer. Here’s a comparison between a grid-powered only system and a hybrid system that uses both grid-powered and solar-powered lights.

Feature Grid-Powered Only (CARA/CARO) Hybrid System (CARA/CARO + SUNA)
Power Source 100% Grid Grid (high-traffic) + Solar (remote)
System Watts Full power demand from the grid Reduced grid demand due to solar
Annual Energy Use (kWh) High, consistent energy usage Lower energy use due to solar
Annual Energy Cost High energy costs Reduced costs due to solar in certain areas
Installation Cost Higher (due to trenching) Lower for solar areas (no trenching)
Maintenance Costs Higher (more frequent maintenance for grid systems) Lower for solar-powered lights
TCO Over 10 Years Higher overall energy and maintenance costs Lower due to solar cost savings

This table outlines the cost-benefit analysis of hybrid systems. A hybrid solution allows you to reduce long-term energy consumption, installation, and maintenance costs while still ensuring optimal lighting in critical areas.


The combination of grid-powered LED lights and solar-powered LED parking lot lighting fixtures offers the perfect balance between reliability and sustainability. By using grid power in areas that need constant illumination and solar power in areas where energy savings can be maximized, a hybrid system offers both cost efficiency and environmental benefits.

By carefully considering the specific lighting needs of different areas within your parking lot and strategically deploying grid or solar power where it makes the most sense, you can optimize energy use, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

The flexibility of a hybrid system makes it a smart choice for businesses and municipalities looking to make a gradual transition toward renewable energy without compromising performance or safety.


LED Parking Lot Lighting – Grid + Solar Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You have questions about LED Parking Lot Lights. We have answers. If you have a question that isn’t answered below, contact an Access Fixtures lighting specialist at (800) 468-9925 or click here.

What is a hybrid lighting system for parking lots?

A hybrid lighting system combines both grid-powered lights and solar-powered lights. Both types of lights can be used in various areas of the parking lot. Grid-powered and solar-powered lights can both provide continuous illumination, with solar lights offering the added benefit of energy savings and reduced installation costs.

What are the benefits of using a hybrid lighting system?

The key benefits include cost savings, energy efficiency, backup lighting during grid outages, and reduced installation costs. Hybrid systems allow you to strategically place lights where they are most effective, optimizing both grid and solar power use without sacrificing performance.

How do solar-powered lights in a hybrid system save costs?

Solar-powered lights, like SUNA, eliminate electricity costs because they run entirely on solar energy. They also reduce installation expenses by not requiring trenching for power lines. Over time, these savings make solar-powered lights a cost-effective alternative to grid-powered lights, while still delivering reliable and efficient lighting.

Where should grid-powered LED parking lot lights be installed?

Grid-powered lights, such as CARA and CARO, are typically installed in areas that require consistent, reliable illumination, like entrances, exits, and near security stations. These areas require continuous lighting, but solar lights can also perform well in these areas, especially when sunlight is abundant.

What kind of areas are best suited for solar-powered LED parking lot lights?

Solar-powered lights are suitable for any area of the parking lot, including those with high traffic or critical lighting needs. They are especially beneficial in areas where trenching for electrical wiring would be costly or difficult, but they can also provide high-quality lighting in main parking areas, entrances, or exits.

How does a hybrid system help during power outages?

In case of a power outage, solar-powered lights continue to function independently, providing backup lighting for critical areas. This ensures that important zones remain lit, enhancing safety and security, regardless of grid power availability.

Is it expensive to install a hybrid lighting system?

Hybrid lighting systems can lower installation costs, particularly in areas where solar-powered lights are used, as they don’t require trenching for electrical wiring. While grid-powered lights may have higher installation costs, the combination of solar and grid reduces overall long-term expenses.

What is the lifespan of grid-powered lights like CARA and CARO?

CARA LED lights have an L70 lifespan of 320,000 hours, and CARO LED lights have an L70 lifespan of 50,000 hours. These long lifespans reduce the need for frequent replacements, minimizing maintenance costs.

How often do solar-powered lights like SUNA need a battery replacement?

The SUNA solar-powered lights typically need battery replacement every 5 to 10 years. The cost of a replacement battery is about $1,200, which contributes to lower overall maintenance costs compared to grid-powered systems.

Can I transition to solar lighting gradually with a hybrid system?

Yes, one of the major advantages of a hybrid lighting system is that you can gradually transition to solar lighting. You can start by installing solar-powered lights in certain areas and expand solar coverage over time, reducing reliance on grid power without needing to overhaul the entire system at once.

What is the ideal footcandle count for parking lot lighting in a hybrid system?

A hybrid system can achieve ideal footcandle levels (1-3) across all areas by using both grid-powered and solar-powered lights, depending on the specific lighting requirements. Solar-powered lights can provide the same level of illumination as grid-powered lights in any area of the parking lot.

How does a hybrid system ensure even lighting distribution?

A low max/min ratio is maintained by strategically placing both grid-powered and solar-powered lights throughout the parking lot, ensuring uniform illumination in all zones.

What pole height and quantity should be considered for a hybrid lighting system?

Taller poles mounted with both grid-powered and solar-powered lights can be used in high-traffic or critical areas to optimize lighting coverage. Shorter poles may be used to cover other areas, with solar lights providing the same effective lighting as grid-powered fixtures.

Are hybrid parking lot lights dark sky compliant?

Many hybrid outdoor lighting fixtures, such as CARO and SUNA, are dark sky compliant, minimizing light pollution by directing light downward and reducing glare. Both solar and grid-powered lights can meet dark sky compliance standards.

How does turtle-friendly lighting work in a hybrid system?

Turtle-friendly lighting uses long-wavelength LEDs in both grid-powered and solar-powered fixtures, such as the CARA and SUNA outdoor lighting fixtures, making them suitable for coastal areas to protect sea turtles while providing energy-efficient illumination.