LED Lighting Solutions

Lighting Resources

Discover and explore a wealth of resources for all your LED lighting needs. Here is the gateway to empowering illumination projects with our high-performance lighting solutions. Brighten your spaces—where you live, play, and work—using light to illuminate your passions!

Why LED Resources Matter?

LED luminaires are ubiquitous, representing the present and future of lamp technology. They’re the most efficient way to light commercial, hospitality, and industrial spaces. Understanding LED illumination can be complex, but Access Fixtures offers excellent starting points with lighting resources. Explore our resources and successfully light your commercial, hospitality, and industrial spaces. Contact us today!

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Illuminating Your Knowledge

Delve deeper into information, tools, and organizations dedicated to understanding, addressing, and promoting sustainable lighting. Here are answers to common questions, links to educational materials, and other information to help you take action toward high-performance lighting solutions. This collection of lighting resources and FAQs is designed to shed light on all things lighting. If you need further assistance call our dedicated Access Fixtures lighting specialists at 800-468-9925 for expert guidance and additional information.

Mastering LED Lighting

Experience the LED revolution firsthand! Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) utilize semiconductor technology for efficient light production. In contrast to incandescent lights, which use filaments, LEDs offer numerous advantages such as longevity, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Illuminate your spaces brilliantly—residential, commercial, or industrial—with Access Fixtures cutting-edge LED solutions.

Types of LED Lighting

Versatile in form LED lights are tailored to suit diverse needs and environments. Illuminate your spaces with precision

  • Residential
    LED lamps serve diverse purposes—ambient, task, and decorative lighting. Various shapes, sizes, and color temperatures complement different interior designs perfectly. For modern residential lighting, LEDs are the ideal choice.
  • Commercial
    For settings like offices, retail stores, and industrial facilities, LEDs provide cost-effective, energy-efficient solutions for large spaces. Versatile and customizable—from overhead fixtures to display lighting—they are becoming mainstream in modern industrial and commercial applications.
  • Sports
    In sports, LEDs also provide cost-effective and energy-efficient lighting indoors and outdoors. From standard play, which includes your backyard, a training area to A-level televised broadcasting, your game is 100 percent lighted. Choice of optics, backlight shields, and poles are available.

Factors to Consider When Choosing

When selecting LED lamps for your space, consider several factors to ensure optimal performance and satisfaction. Here are key points to enlight your decision:

  • Energy Efficiency: LED lighting offers primary benefits in energy efficiency, consuming significantly less energy than traditional sources. This leads to lower electricity bills and a reduced carbon footprint.
  • Color Temperature: Choose from a range of color temperatures, from warm white to cool white, to set the desired ambiance and functionality of the space.
  • Lifespan: LEDs last up to 25 percent longer than incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. This longevity reduces replacement services and maintenance costs over time, with minimal risk of non-passive failure.
  • Installation and Maintenance: Installing and maintaining LED systems is straightforward compared to traditional sources, requiring proper care for optimal performance and longevity.
  • DIY Installation Tips: For DIY enthusiasts, installing LED lamps can be a rewarding project. Ensure you have the necessary tools and materials, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Maintenance of LED Systems: While LEDs require minimal maintenance, regular cleaning and inspection are recommended to keep them in optimal condition. Dust and debris can accumulate, affecting brightness and efficiency.

These lighting insights shed more light on making informed decisions for your space.

Understanding LED Light Technologies

Lighting technologies continue to evolve, introducing innovative features and functionalities to enhance user experience and energy efficiency. Consider the following:

  • Smart Lighting: Smart systems offer remote control and automation via smartphone apps or voice commands. With features such as scheduling, dimming, and color-changing capabilities, smart LEDs provide unparalleled convenience and flexibility.
  • Color Changing: Customize the ambiance of your space with color-changing lamps. Adjust the color and intensity of illumination to suit moods or special occasions, adding versatility and style to any environment.
  • Incorporating into Home Décor: LEDs can transform the look and feel of your home, bringing ambiance, functionality, and visual interest to every room design.
  • Ambient Lighting Ideas: Create a warm and inviting atmosphere with ambient LEDs. Soft, diffused lighting fixtures strategically placed can highlight architectural features and create a cozy ambiance in living spaces, allowing you to adjust the lighting based on your preferences.
  • Accent Lighting Techniques: Illuminate key areas and focal points in your home with accent lighting. Whether it’s artwork, architectural elements, or decorative objects, accent lights draw attention and create visual interest in any room.

Explore these lighting innovations to elevate your space with style and functionality.

Energy Saving Tips

Maximize the energy-saving benefits of LED with simple yet effective tips, services, and strategies.

  • Using Dimmers
    Install dimmer switches to adjust the brightness of your LED lights according to your needs and preferences. Dimming not only saves energy but on the other hand, also extends the lifespan of your bulbs. Learn more about dimmers here
  • Timers and Motion Sensors
    Utilize timers and motion sensors to automate your LED system and thus minimize energy wastage. Timers can be programmed to turn lights on and off at specific times, whereas motion sensors detect activity and activate lights only when needed. Learn about motion sensors here.

Publications, Design Tools & Calculators

With the growing popularity of LEDs, finding the right lighting resources and suppliers has become easier than ever. The guides below will help you to make the best choices for your next project.


Educational Resources:

Design Tools and Calculators:

Regulatory Information and Standards:

Research Papers and Publications:

Manufacturer and Supplier Support:

Energy Efficiency Programs and Incentives:

Installation Guides and Tutorials:

Blogs and Articles:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some FAQs you may have after reading through the lighting resources guides. If you need further assistance, call 800-468-9925

  • How long do LEDs last?
    With an average lifespan of 25,000 to 50,000 hours, they can last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Not to mention they remain brighter than incandescent with age.
  • Can LED lights be used outdoors?
    Yes, they are suitable for outdoor use, thanks to their durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions. In this case, choose lights that are IP-rated 65 or higher for outdoor use.
  • Are LEDs dimmable?
    Many of these lights are dimmable. However, checking the product specifications to ensure compatibility with dimmer switches is essential. 
  • What are the environmental benefits?
    LED lighting consumes less energy, produces less heat, and contains no hazardous materials, making it environmentally friendly and sustainable.
  • Do LED lights attract bugs?
    These lights emit less heat and UV radiation than traditional bulbs, thus reducing their attractiveness to insects.
  • Are they safe for the eyes?
    Generally, LEDs are considered safe for the eyes. They emit less glare and are rather flicker-free when compared to fluorescent lights.