How to Submit Your Sales Tax Exemption certificate to Access Fixtures
Access Fixtures charges sales tax in two states only: Massachusetts & Florida.
1) If a customer needs to use their tax exemption in either of those two states, they will have to provide a copy of the Tax Exemption certificate to Access Fixtures before completing an on-line order. Access Fixtures will approve the Tax Exemption. If you don’t already have an account with AF, AF will create an account for you.
2) When approved, a checkbox will appear on the Checkout page when placing an order with the text “Do you want to include tax exemption?”. The customer can apply the tax exemption by checking the box. Once that is done, no taxes will be calculated on the order.
Submit tax exempt request via your account
Please go to your My Account page by clicking here or on the “My Account” link in the menu at the top of the page.
You will see a Tax Exemption option in the left side menu.
Once it is filled out and SUBMITTED, a “Pending” notification will appear.
Once we have responded, you will receive an email indicating if you have been approved.
Submit tax exempt request via “quick form”
Tax Exemption Certificate Submittal
How to claim your tax exemption on an order
Once you have been approved and IF you are logged into your account, a checkbox (see image) will show up on the checkout page when you are placing an order. Check the checkbox when you have an order that is eligible for the tax exemption. That will stop taxes from being calculated on that order.